again sent you; not doubting but that you will make it agree-
able to the true Intent and meaning of the alteracons
propos'd by us, when the Orriginall Bill past our House and
to which you have heretofore Consented.
Signd p ordr Samll Skippon Cl Up. Ho.
In Answer whereto the following message is prepar'd Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly Novembr the 2d 1724
May it please Your Honours
We cannot Imagine that your Honrs have had the least
Cause of concern or Surprize for any the Matters you are
pleas'd to impute to us by your message of the 31st past by Mr
Bowles and of this day by Mr Tasker as unprecedented unpar-
liamentary or Violating any the priviledges of your House
which whatsoever they be we wish you always had and would
preserve as free from Violation as we do for tho' you are
pleas'd to Suppose a mistake in us we can hardly have that
Supposition of Your House since we so plainly by our message
of the 31st past by Mr Tyler & Mr Taylor pointed out to
your Honours how those interlineations were made Viz. In
Conformity to your message endorst on the Bill and since
your Honours are pleasd to insist that we have apparently
Violated the priviledge of your House by our Artfully Excus-
ing (as you are pleas'd to term it) the merchants therein
menconed instead of Excluding the whole paragraph We take
the Liberty of insisting but we hope with much more Candour
and Justice that your messages could never bear the sense you
now Contend for never proposing to Exclude the whole