which being so Endorst was Sent to the Committee of Laws
to be Engrost.
Ordered that a Message be prepared as folio Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly Octobr the 21st 1720
May it please Your Honours. Forasmuch as the Revenue
Bill as well as Sundry other matters is Continued till the 29th
Day of September next by the Acts Already passd before
which Time we Conceive an Assembly of Necessity must be
Called and for that we have laid downe some reasons to be
given his Lordship for the Assenting to the Act for Limitation
of Officers frees as it now Stands. We are Desirous they
should be Referred till the next Sessions of Assembly and that
Your House would Agree thereto.
[ Signed p Order Ml Jenifer Cl: Lo: Ho: ]
Which being Sent to the Upper House by Collo Hynson and
Three more They returne and say they have Delivered it.
Mr Tyler from the Comittee of Grievances Returns the follow-
ing Report, viz :
By the Committee of Agrievances Octor the 21st 1720.
It is Humbly Offered to this Committee as an Aggrievance
that Several of the Honourable Council sit as Judges in the
Provincial Court, which seems to be very discourageing to
such Person as may have just cause to Appeale before Gov-
ernour and Council knowing that the same Judges sit in the
Court of Appeals.
It is further Offered to this Committee as an agrievance
That Severall Clerks of Indictments Charge a free for draw-
ing an Indictment when no Bill is found by the Grand Jury,
which the Committee Conceives to be a Great Aggrievance
Signed p Order Nin: Mariarte Cl Com.
With which this House Concurrs and Orders the following
Message to be prepared Viz :
By the Lower House of Assembly Octor the 21st 1720
May it please Your Honours
Whereas the Comittee of Aggrievances have reported
Sundry Aggrievances to this House which we Conceive are
Absolutely necessary to be Redress'd We humbly Offer their