We now positively Command and require that you the said
John Hart do Leave the Province sometime in the month of
May at furthest, which shall be in the year of our Lord One
Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty Whereby you will
have the better oppertunity to Explain, and Justifye those
Other Reasons, wch you presume his Majtie is not unacquainted
wth for your Desiring to Return and We to Maintain, that
there is nothing due to you by the Law for the Support of
Government, wthout having Given the Least ground to Im-
agine, that his Majestye's Grace & favour Intended to you is
Evaded by totally removing you from your Office, Instead of
giving you Leave to be Absent from it (wch we shall do, when
we think fit) a most unadvised (to give it no worse a Term)
Declaration of yours on the Opinion of our Councill given,
that by the said Law there is no Provision made for you during
your Absence In wch time, we will rest Assur'd; that the good
people of Maryland bound by their Allegiance to his Majestic
and the Duty they owe to us, and themselves will so Unani-
mously and Stoutly assist those, in whose hands we with his
U. H. J.
Majestyes Approbation have thought fit to Entrust the Ad-
ministration of the Government, that In Case forreign
Invasion Insurrection, famine or further Instructions from
Great Britain, the peace of the Province will be duely Main-
tain'd And Every man's Property protected.
4. As soon as Conveniently may be after the receipt hereof
our will is that these our Instructions be Laid before our Coun-
cill solemnly Called together to be Enterd on their Journalls,
And the Person first named of our Councill takeing upon him
the Administration of the Government Dureing the Absence
of the said John Hart our Lieutenant governour, To whom we
have sent a Duplicate hereof, is hereby Impowered to do and
Execute the severall powers and Instructions now and for-
merly sent or hereafter to be sent, as Occasion and his Duty
shall require
And Also the following Speech wch was communicated wth
the Instructions Last mentioned Viz.
p. 14