Just right to Apply to the House for such an Act. Which
Proceedings are humbly Submitted to the House for their
further Consideration.
Signed p Order. Joh Talbot, Cl. Comittee.
And the sd Committee having likewise Inspected into the
Petition of Thomas Hynson Wright Guardian of John and
Thomas Elizabeth and Mary Coursey the heirs and Children
of Mr John Coursey Late of Queen Anns County Deced. Are
of Opinion, That the heirs of John Coursey at most have but
an Equal right with the Other Brothers Children, if any at
Signed p Order John Talbott Clk. Committee.
On Reading the first part whereof as to Richard Thatchcr
Leave is given to bring in a Bill as pray'd. And as to the other
part relating to Thomas Hynson Wright's Petition The Peti-
tion of the sd Thomas Hynson Wright is Rejected. John Hall
Esqr with two others from the Upper House delivers Mr
Speaker the following Message Viz.
By the Upper house of Assembly Octr 20th 1720
We have Considered your Resolucons for the Amendment
of the Land Law and find by your first and Second Proposals,
you Give the appointment and nomination of the Judges in
Land Affairs Intirely to the Voice of the people rendring the
Prerogative in that only useful so far as tis ruled and
Directed by their Election which seems to be Treating the
prerogative in so Servile a Manner as We Cannot Consent to.
This we Conceive woud Extend previledge beyond its proper
Limits which must necessarily be Attended with many Incon-
veniences, Amongst which may be Considered.
The Continual Interests that would be Annually made by
Designing Persons to have their ffavorites Elected and the
Partiality that might be Occasioned by the Controversies Ani-
mositys and Factious Parties, that such Election would be but
to apt to Propagate the Inconveniency of having frequently
new Judges in Land Affaires whereas the Long Continuance
of the Same Judges and the Experience they Gaine thereby
may be of great Use to the Right Determination of such suits
also the Charge of Annual Commissions and annual Elections,