76 Assembly Proceedings, October 11-27, 1720.
L. H. J.
Second Day of November next and so every Year Successively
who upon a Representation of such their Election are to be
Comissionated by the Govr (for the Time being)
It is Likewise Agreed that an Appeal be Granted, and that
Three persons be Elected in Manner abovesd at the same Time
that the five Comissioners above menconed are to be Elected
and so every Year Successively who shall be Commissionated
(by the Governr for the time being) as above; and being so
Commissionated shall Act in all Appeales upon Notice Given
them by the party appealing at the next County Court after
the Determination of the first View. Who upon such notice
given shall appoint a time (not less than three weeks) to meet
on the Land in Dispute and then give due notice to all psons
Concerned, and Proceed to hear and determine the Dispute
and give Judgment thereon. Which Judgmt shall be ffinall.
And that their Commission shal Continue one Year and No
Longer, And so every Election Successively for such Comrs,
And that they do give Publick notice thereof as Usual in Elec-
tion of Delegates Ex-Officio and that every Commissioner
Accepting the Commission, & quallifying himself upon non
Attendance on the Premisses at the time Appointed, shall be
liable to a fine of five hundred pounds of Tobacco, as well as
Each Commissioner on failure as aforesaid on the first View.
Unless reasonable Cause be shewn to the Commissioners
present for his Excuse. And that all the Petitioners to this
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Assembly be relieved by a Clause to be Added to this Bill, to
have the benifit of this Appeale here provided. And that Each
Comissioner have one Hundred pounds of Tobacco for each
Day he shall Attend on the Lands in Dispute. The Committee
finding some Members Inclinable to lay down certain Rules
for the Commissioners to Act by, Moves Mr Speaker to reas-
sume the Chair and put the Question whether rules for the
Comrs to Act by shall be prescribed by the bill or not. Accord-
ingly Mr Speaker reassumes the Chair, And on a motion
whether Rules shall be Laid Downe in the Law for the Comis-
sioners to Act by or not. It is carried in the Negative by the
majority of Votes. Resolved that in Case any of the Com-
missioners shall dye, be Interested or Related to either Partie
Contending that, then the Commr or Commissrs Surviving not
Interested or Related to Either Party (with the approbation
of the partys Contending) make Choice of another Person
or Persons wanting to supply the roome of such Comr or
Commissrs so Deceased Interested or related, but in Case the
parties Contending cannot or Will not Agree to the Choice
of such other psons as aforesaid the Surviving not Interested
or Related Commissioner or Commissioners him or themselves