lodged, and upon Refusal or Delay of Payment thereof, that
then they may, at their Discretion, exercise the Powers and
Authorities, (given them as a Body Politic by this Act) for
the Recovery of the same; the which Fines and Forfeitures
are likewise to be applied to the Uses and in Manner aforesaid.
XII. Provided always, That the Visitors to be appointed
for every School as aforesaid, and their Successors, from
Time to Time, are hereby impowered to appoint a Register,
and allow him a reasonable Salary, who is hereby obliged to
keep a fair Account of all their Proceedings, and of the Appli-
cation by them to be made of all Monies, Tobaccoes, or other
Commodities, or Matters, or Things whatsoever, that shall
come to their Hands by virtue of the Authorities given them
by this Act, which shall at all Times hereafter be subject to
the Examination and Correction of the General Assembly
of this Province.
XIII. And be it further Enacted That every Person by this
Act appointed as a Visitor of the County Schools, or that
shall hereafter be nominated and appointed as such, pursuant
to the Directions hereof, that shall wilfully refuse or delay
to take upon him the said Office, shall forfeit and pav for
every such Refusal or Delay, the Sum of Five Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco, for the Use of the School of that County
where such Offence shall be committed; to be recovered in his
Lordship's Name, or at the Visitors Suit, before the Justices
of that County Court, by Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein
no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed.