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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 744   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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744 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.


into the Place and Room of the said Visitors of such School,
so dead or removed, and so to fill up the full Number of Visi-
tors for each School; the which Persons so elected and chosen
from Time to Time, are always to be qualified in the same
Manner as is before mentioned.
VIII. And be it further Enacted, That the Visitors (for
the Time being) of each School, being qualified as aforesaid,
be, and are hereby authorized and directed with all convenient
Speed, to purchase One Hundred Acres or more of Land, for
the Use of such School, having a special Regard as to its Con-
veniency, that it be as near as possible in such Place in the
County, as is before directed for the erecting of Schools, by
this Act; the which Land, when so purchased, the Visitors
are to assign such Part of it as they shall see meet, not to
exceed one Moiety thereof, to be built upon, and cleared (if
not before built on and cleared) for the Conveniency of mak-
ing Corn and Grain, and for Pasturage, for the Encourage-
ment, Use and Benefit of the Master of such School, for
the Time being; the other Moiety whereof is to be preserved
in Woodland Ground, and no other Use made thereof by such
Master, without the Licence and Direction of the said
Visitors, than what may be absolutely necessary for Fire-
Wood, and the repairing of the Houses and Fencing already
built and made, or to be built and made, on such other Moiety
thereof, and that no Master be permitted, either by himself
or by any other Person, on any Pretence whatsoever, to plant
any Tobacco on such Land or Plantation; and the Visitors
of the several Schools as aforesaid, are further impowered
and directed, in case that there shall not be sufficient Buildings
upon any such Land at the Time of making a Purchase thereof
for a Dwelling-house, and necessary Conveniencies for the
Master, and for keeping a School therein, and Ground cleared
sufficient for the Use aforesaid, that then they shall, with all
possible Speed, agree with such Work-men and Labourers,
or other Persons, in the best Manner they can, that will under-
take the necessary Buildings and Improvements upon such
Lands for the Uses aforementioned; and the Visitors afore-
said are likewise hereby directed to take all proper Methods
for the encouraging good School-Masters, that shall be Mem-
bers of the Church of England, and of pious and exemplary
Lives and Conversations, and capable of Teaching well the
Grammar, good Writing, and the Mathematicks, if such can
conveniently be got; and that they allow every such Master
for his Encouragement for the present (besides the Benefit
and Use of his Plantation) the Sum of Twenty Pounds per
Annum, and to take such other Measures, or make such other
Agreements, from Time to Time, for the future, as the Cir-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 744   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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