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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 739   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Acts. 739

Twenty-one, that Survey being found pursuant and agreeable
to the Intent and Design of one Act of Assembly, made at the
City of St. Mary's, in the Year of our Lord Sixteen Hundred
Sixty-nine, by which that Land was granted to the said
III. And be it further Enacted, That the Choptank Indians
aforesaid, at any Time hereafter, shall not on any Pretence
whatsoever, alienate, dispose, sell or let to farm, any Part or
Parcel of the Lands bef orementioned, except that Part thereof
which lies to the Eastward, Southward and Westward of those
Lines formerly run, from the Head of Secretary Sewall's
Creek, to the Bounded Tree of William Dorrington, by Col-
onel Thomas Smithson, and Lieutenant Colonel Thomas
Ennalls, as the exterior Bounds of the aforesaid Land, pur-
suant to an Ordinance of Assembly then made: And that
if any Person shall presume to Purchase or Lease any Part
thereof (except as before excepted) such Purchase or Lease
shall be utterly void, and of none Effect.
IV. And it is hereby further Enacted, That no Lease for
Term of Years, or for Life, already made, shall be of any
Force or Effect longer than Seven Years after the End of
this Session of Assembly, and that those Persons who hold by
virtue of any such Lease from the said Indians, be, and are
hereby obliged punctually and faithfully to pay and satisfy
to such Indian or Indians, under whom they hold, the several
and respective Rents contracted for: And if any Person shall
refuse or delay to pay such Rent yearly, as it becomes due,
such Lease shall become void; and it shall and may be lawful
for any Justice of the Peace within the County where such
Rent shall arise and become due, and remaining unpaid, upon
Complaint to him made by such Indians, to issue Warrant,
give Judgment, and award Execution for the same, in the
same Manner as in the Act for Recovery of small Debts is
V. And be it further Enacted, That all Sales, Gifts, Grants,
or Leases, made by any the Indians aforesaid, since November
Seventeen Hundred and Twenty-one, of any the Lands lying
on the South Side of Secretary Sewall's Creek aforesaid,
and the Southern Branch thereof, and within the Lines
run by Colonel Thomas Smithson, and Lieutenant-Colonel
Thomas Ennalls as aforesaid, being contrary to an Ordinance
of Assembly then made, be, and are hereby declared to be
null, void, and of no Effect.
VI. Provided nevertheless, That such Surveys and Pur-
chases which have already, bona Fide, been made since
November Seventeen Hundred and Twenty-one, or which


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 739   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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