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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 735   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Acts. 735

V. Provided always, That no Offender shall receive above
Thirty-nine Lashes, or be kept in the Stocks above Three
Hours, upon any one Conviction.
VI. And be it Enacted, That every Magistrate, or other
Officer, appointed to put this Act in Execution, and being
guilty themselves of Cursing, Swearing, or Drunkenness, or
omitting to punish others according to Law, shall for every
such Offence or Omission, and Conviction thereof, in Manner
aforesaid, before any other Magistrate or Officer afore-
mentioned, forfeit Ten Shillings Current Money; to be levied
and applied as aforesaid.

VII. And be it Enacted, That if any Offender shall revile
or abuse any Magistrate, or other Officer, putting this Act in
Execution, the Offender shall be obliged to give good Security
(in the Sum of Five Pounds Current Money) for his good
Behaviour for the Space of Three Months, and in Default
thereof to suffer one Month's Imprisonment, without Bail or
VIII. And be it Enacted, That if any Magistrate, or other
Person putting this Act in Execution, shall be assaulted or
beaten by the Offender, or any other, that the Party grieved,
if he brings an Action of Assault and Battery, shall and may
recover treble Damages and full Costs.
IX. And be it Enacted, That if any Person shall be sued
or impleaded for any Thing to be done in Execution of this
Act, the Defendant may plead the General Issue, and give
this Act and the Special Matter in Evidence; and if a Verdict
shall be found for the Defendant, or the Plaintiff be Non Suit,
or discontinue his Action, the Defendant shall have and re-
cover treble Costs.
X. And be it Enacted, That no Person whatsoever, shall
Work, or do any bodily Labour on the Lord's Day, commonly
called Sunday, and that no Person, having Children, Servants
or Slaves, shall command, or wittingly or willingly suffer any
of them to do any Manner of Work or Labour on the Lord's
Day, (Works of Necessity and Charity always excepted) nor
shall suffer or permit any Children, Servants or Slaves, to
profane the Lord's Day, by Gaming, Fishing, Fowling, Hunt-
ing, or unlawful Pastimes or Recreations: And that every
Person transgressing this Act, and being thereof convict, by
the Oath of one sufficient Witness, or Confession of the Party
before a single Magistrate, shall forfeit Two Hundred Pounds
of Tobacco to be levied and applied as aforesaid.
XL And be it likewise Enacted, That no House-keeper
shall sell any strong Liquor on Sunday, (except in Cases


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 735   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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