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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 732   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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732 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.


be lawful for the Constable to require as many Persons as may
be necessary, to repair with him to such Places, and that
every Person that shall be so required, and shall refuse, shall
forfeit One Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, to be recovered
and applied as hereafter expressed; and all White Persons
(being Free) that shall be present, shall aid and assist such
Constable, on Pain of forfeiting One Hundred Pounds of
Tobacco to the Lord Proprietor, one Half to the Use of the
County, and the other to the Informer, on being convict by
the Oath of the Constable, or other lawful Witness, or Con-
fession of the Party before any Magistrate; and that all
Negroes and other Slaves, belonging to the Owner of the
Place where such Assembly shall be, if required, shall aid and
assist the Constable in putting this Act in Execution, on Pain
of being Whipped each of them with Thirty-nine Stripes on
the bare Back.
IV. And be it Enacted, That every Constable that shall be
appointed to put this Act in Execution, shall be allowed Five
Hundred Pounds of Tobacco in the County Levy: And if it
shall so happen at any Time, that any Negro or other Slave,
shall Strike any White Person, it shall and may be lawful
upon Proof made thereof, either by the Oath of the Party
so struck, or otherwise, before any Justice of the Peace, for
such Justice to cause one of the Negro's or other Slave's Ears
so offending, to be cropt.
V. And be it likewise Enacted, That the Owner of any
Plantation or Plantations, that shall at any Time discover
any strange Negro or other Slaves upon any of their Planta-
tions, unless they are sent by their Owners on lawful Occa-
sions, and shall warn such Negroes or other Slaves, to be
gone Home to their Masters or Owners, any Negroes or
other Slaves refusing or delaying so to do, it shall and may
be lawful for the Owner of such Plantation to correct such
Negro by Whipping, not exceeding Thirty-nine Lashes. And
any Person that shall wittingly encourage any Negro or other
Slaves, to meet in Companies on their Plantations, unless on
lawful Occasions, shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence,
One Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, to the Use aforesaid, to
be recovered as aforesaid.
VI. And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice
and Consent aforesaid, That any Master or Owner of any
Negro or other Slaves, that shall suffer any such Slaves to
them belonging, to keep any Horses or Mares, or to raise any
Cattle or Hogs, as the proper Right of such Slaves, the Master
or Owner of such Slaves, shall forfeit and pay Five Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco, to be recovered and applied as aforesaid ;

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 732   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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