At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of
Annapolis, on the 23rd Day of September, and ended the 26th
Day of October, in the 9th Year of the Dominion of the Right
Honourable Charles, absolute Lord and Proprietary of the
Provinces of Maryland and Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltimore,
&c. Annoq; Domini 1723, the following Laws were Enacted.
Charles Calvert, Esqr Governor.
An Act for the Ease of the Inhabitants in examining Evi-
dences relating to the Bounds of Lands; and in the Manner
of obtaining Injunctions.
Whereas the Bounds of Land in this Province depend
chiefly upon marked Trees, which are Subject to decay, or
upon Bays, Rivers, Creeks or Branches, the Names whereof
do frequently become obsolete or change; by which Means
the true Bounds of such Lands, (in process of Time) become
doubtful, and cause tedious and chargeable Law-Suits to the
Owners thereof, and very often the Loss of their Inheritance :
Wherefore for the more easy Examination of Evidences in
perpetual Memory, relating to Boundaries ;
II. Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietor, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lord-
ship's Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of As-
sembly, and the Authority of the same, That from and after
the End of this present Session of Assembly, upon the Petition
of any Person seized or possessed of Lands, in his own or
any other Right, to any of the several County Courts within
this Province, where the Land lies, for a Commission to
examine Evidences, to prove or perpetuate the Memory of any
the Bounds of such Lands, or of any other Lands whereon
the Lands he shall be so seized or possessed of, shall depend,
or whereto they relate, it shall and may be lawful for the
Justices of such County Court, as often as any such Petition
shall be to them preferred, to grant a Commission to Four
1 The original record of the laws passed at this session having been lost, the
text of the Acts here printed is taken from Bacon's Laws of Maryland at Large,
published in 1765.
Chap. VIII