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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 702   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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702 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.


Acts were formerly made to Support your Claims, but are
Since repealed and Others made in their Stead that do not
Support them, one of which is the Act for Imposition of four
pence p Gallon on Liquors, Your Claims Can be no ways
Supported now by the Acts that are Long since repealed tho
once in force, and whether this Allowance be now your due
is the Question and We cant but Conceive it Looks some what
Like a manner of treating us, Unworthy of your House to

P. 99

Insinuate by your Message That because an Act still Subsists
for Laying Impositions on Liquors which [makes] no manner
of Allowance to you nor mention of your Claim, that you are
pleas'd in your Message to Call that a Continuation of the
same Act that had a paragraph to favour your Claims, which
rather seems to be [to] Lead us into wrong notions of those
Acts than to Clear up the truth. We hope therefore as there
is now no Law in force to Support your Claim, [Your Claim]
is not now Supported by Law as you by that manner of word-
ing your Message are pleasd to Insinuate We cannot think
your Honours have Cause to Charge us with being in the Least
partially prejudiced in this Dispute, which you plainly Do, by
Saying we seem resolved not to regard the Laws and reason-
able Customs you produce to Support your Claims.
The Laws we Don't regard, because as we have before said
they are repealed and the reasons to Support your Custom we
disregard, because by the Laws now in force, we find there
[are] other moneys rais'd for the Support of Government that
is not particularly [applied] by the Act that raises it for the
support of Government which Says twelve pence of the fifteen
pence p hhd rais'd for the Support of Government should be
Applyed towards the maintaining the Station and Dignity
of his Lordships Lieutenant Governour Actually resideing
within this province and to such Other Necessary uses to-
wards the support and Defence of the Lord Proprietary Gov-
ernment of the province as in his Lordships Wisdom to him
shall seem meet Your Honours May please to remember that
by all the Old Laws that mention the Support of Govern-
ment you are Included as a part of what is to be Supported
thereby; the money rais'd is to be Applyed as to his Lordship
seems meet; his Lordship best knows of what Value and Es-
teem your Service is to him; if his Lordship thinks he can
Apply it to more advantage for the Support of Government
or that he had rather want your assistance than Apply it that
way, we are Obliged to Submit to his Lordship therein, so as
that it be really Applyed to the Support of Government. But
as there is Sufficient rais'd for the Support of Government
And that the Act for the directing the manner of Electing
and Summoning Delegates &c Does say your Honours shall

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 702   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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