Col Wm Holland Chancellr Comunicates to this house on
behalf of his honr the Govr these following Articles of Instruc-
tions from the Rt honble the Lords Baltemore and Guilford
bearing date the 30th June 1720. The second Article thereof
is as follows Viz.
And you are Immediately to put in Execution (as much as
in you Lies) our late Instructions of the 30th of December
1719 directed to be Observed by the said John Hart as Effectu-
ally as if they were directed to your Self And you shall use your
Utmost Endeavour wth the Generall Assembly (which you are
hereby Directed to Call together wth the Advice of our Councill
as soon as Conveniently may be) that the Severall matters and
things by us in our late Speech Recomended to them may be
Complyed wth if any of them shall remain unfinished upon your
Arrivall Duplicates of wch Instructions & Speech we have here-
wth Delivered you
The third Article thereof is as follows Viz.
Whereas by Act of Assembly 3d p hhd is given to Jno Hart
Esqr so long as he shall Continue Govr in and over our Province
of Maryland Reciting among other Things in the Preamble of
the said Act the great hopes and Expectation's the Generall
Assembly had of his good Government.
And whereas the Generall Assembly have lately addressed
themselves to us in Relacon to the Support of the Free School