Thereupon the following Message is prepared Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly
Octobr the 19th 1723.
May it Please Your Honours
This House takeing into Consideration his Honr the Govrs
Letter to Mr Speaker and the Severall messages from your
Honours have to Avoid Disputes Agreed to Allow your
Honours as a Councill of State for the time past with a reso-
lution never to Agree to the Like Allowance [again], if your
Honours think fit to Accept thereof on these terms.
Signd p Order M. Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.
Which was sent to the Upper House by Col Mackall and
three Others.
They Return and Say they Delivered it.
James Bowles and Benjamin Tasker Esqrs from the Upper
House deliver Mr Speaker the following Message Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly
Octobr the 19th 1723
We Concurr with your House in your Message to Day by
Mr Crabb and three more.
Signd p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up Ho.
An Engrost Bill for the tryall of all matters of fact in the
Severall Countys was read and Assented to and was so En-
dorst and sent to the Upper House by Mr Crabb and Mr King.