The Lower Home. 67
Council, (for the Time being) do take such Order, and give
such Directions to the proper Officers or persons most Capable
to perform the same that the -pticulars Desired in the said
Letter Relating to the Boundaries may in the best manner
possible Answer his Majesties Service and the benefit of the
Plantations, and that you return the Accounts thereof to us.
And you are hereby further required and directed to make
known to the Manufactures of Pitch & Tarr, the Encourage-
ment Designed them, and the Benefit proposed to this King-
dom & the Plantations.
2dly At the next Sessions of Assembly you shall lay before
the Upper & Lower Houses our Speech herewith Transmitted
to you in Answer to their Address And you shall use your
Endeavours, That the several matters therein recommended
be Complyed with wee verily believing every one of them
Advantageous & profitable for the Publick.
3dly Whereas it has been found Inconvenient & Almost Im-
practicable by the Ill health wch you the sd John Hart & your
family have Laboured under to leave the province in that
Season of the year, which by our former Instructions you
were appointed to do. You are hereby Impowered to remain
in it till May next (if you think fit) according to the Desire
of your Letter of the 4th of July last. But that neither his
Majesties goodness in approving (at our request) of your
Departures on Account of your health nor our Licence per-
mitting you to Come into England granted at your Own most
Earnest Solicitations may become useless, We now posi-
tively Command & require That you the said John Hart do
leave the Province sometime in the month of May (at farth-
est) which shall be in the Year of our Lord one thousand
Seven hundred & twenty.
Whereby you will have the better Oppertunity to explaine
& Justifie those other reasons wch you presume his Majestic is
not unacquainted with for your Desireing to returne and we
L. H. J.
to maintaine, that there is nothing due to you by the Law for
the Support of Government without having given the Least
Ground to Imagine that his Majtys Grace & favour intended
to you is Evaded by Totally removing you from yor Office
instead of Giving you Leave to be Absent from it, (which we
shall do when we think fit) [a] most unadvised (to give it no
worse Term) Declaration of Yours on the Opinion of our
Council Given, that by the said Law, there is no Provision
made for you During your Absence. In which Time we
will rest assured, That the good People of Maryland, bound
by their Allegiance to his Majesty & the duty they owe to us,
and themselves, will so unanimously & Stoutly assist those in
whose hands, we with his Majestys Approbation have thought
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