All Inhabitants of this Province shall take One Oath of
Allegiance to his Majesty.
The Lord Propry shall have all his Rights & Prerogatives.
The Inhabitants of this Province shall have all their Rights
and Liberties According to the great Charter of England.
In an Act made the day of October Anno Dni 1640
Entituled an Act of Recognition of the lawfull & Undoubted
Right & Title of the Right Honrble Cecilius Lord Baron of
Baltemore Absolute Lord and Propry of the Province of
Maryland unto the said Province And to all Islands Ports
and Creeks to the same belonging is Contained as followeth
We being bound thereunto by the Laws both of God [and]
of Man do Recognize and Acknowledge Your Lordships Just
Title and Right unto this Province by the Grant and Donation
of the late King Charles of England Under the Great Seal of
England bearing Date at Westminster the Twentieth Day of
June in the Eighth Year of his Reign Anno Dni One Thou-
sand Six hundred thirty two and Do Also recognize and Ac-
knowledge Your Lordship to be true and Absolute Lord and
Propry of this Province And Do humbly Submit unto all power
Jurisdiction and Authority Given granted and Confirmed
unto Your Lordship And your Heirs in and by the said
Grant and Donation and do hereby Submitt and oblige us our
heirs and Posteritys for Ever until the last Drop of our Blood
be Spent to maintain uphold and Defend your Lordship and
your heirs Lords and Proprietaries of this Province in all the
Royall Rights Jurisdictions Authoritys and Preheminencies
Given Granted and Confirmed unto your Lordship by the
said Grant and Donation so far as they Do not in any Sort