Wednesday Octr the 12th
The House meet According To prorogation Present as
Ordered that Mr Stoddart & Mr Benson go to the Upper
House to Acquaint them that a sufficient number of Members
are met to make an House
They return & Say they Deliver'd their Message
Collo Young from. the Upper House Acquaints Mr Speaker
That the Govr being Sick His Honr the Chancellor on the
Governours behalf, requires Mr Speaker and the Whole
House to Attend him in the Upper House.
Thereupon Mr Speaker with the Whole House went to the
Upper House; Where his Honor the Chancellor (on his
Lordships & his Honrs the Govrs behalfe) Deliver'd the fol-
lowing Speech Viz.
His Honr the Govr being Sick has Directed me to Comuni-
cate to you what follows wch you are to take as from his
Gent, of the Uppr & Lower Houses of Assembly
I have since my Arrival had an Oppertunity to lay before
my Lord Proprietaries Councill the Reasons that induced him
to send me hither. And I am Commanded to Deliver the
same Also to you thus Convened in their Lordships my Lord
Guilfords & my Lord Baltemor's own words, Viz.
Gentl of the Upper & Lower Houses of Assembly.
Baltemore| Wee take this Oppertunity by the mouth of
Guilford | our well beloved Charles Calvert our Cousin
and Leiutent to Acquaint you with the Reasons which have
moved us to place him Over you.
His Approved Loyalty and his ffaithfull Service to our
Dread Sovereigne King George.
The many Observations which (During his Friendship with
us) Wee have of his kind wishes and hearty Endeavours (as