[The manuscript copies of the Lower House Journal for the Session of 1723
are imperfect. The original copy among the State Archives is badly mildewed
and decayed, and so fragile that it cannot be handled without loss of fragments.
The first eighteen pages are missing and also the leaves containing pages 67 to
86 inclusive. The duplicate copy among the Calvert Papers (775) is also defec-
tive, the first four pages being missing. There is, therefore, no record of the
opening proceedings or list of members present, in either copy.
The text here printed is taken primarily from the manuscript among the
Archives, with missing portions and gaps supplied as far as possible from the
copy among the Calvert Papers.—ED.]
To his Honour the Governour's Speech which was read,
and Approved of, and Ordered to be Entred as follows Viz.
To the Honble Charles Calvert Esqr Governour of Maryland.
The humble Address of the lower house of Assembly.
May it Please Your Honour.
Wee return Your Honour Our most hearty Thanks for
so Earnestly recommending to us the Improvement of Our
Staple, On which the Welfare of Our Countrey so much
Depends and we Concurr with Your Honour that the repeal
of the Act of Parliament which gave an Allowance for To-
bacco Delivered up to be burnt Ought to Awaken Every One
of us to Consider our Own Interest and that we should be the
most wanting to Our selves and those we represent And Dis-
charge the Trust reposed in Us the worst of any People should
we miss Any Opportunity or fail to make use of Any Means
in Our power to the Ends so hansomely recommended by Your
Honour And we ought Always to Express and retain a most
gratefull Sense of his Lordship the Lord Proprietor's fatherly
Tenderness to this poor Province for his readiness to Sacri-
fice his Own Interest to the good of the Countrey in so gener-
ous a manner.
We shall prepare the Reviving Bills of those Mentioned
by your Honour with the Utmost Expedition And Unfeign-
edly wish that Our Circumstances would Admitt of Our
Adding to that part that is to be particularly Applyed to your
Own use And we think it a great happiness to the Countrey
that a Gentleman that has Ever shewn the greatest regard
to its Welfare at the head of the Administration And that we
have all the reason in the World to believe will be Sure to Act
the Patriot Even in a Private Station is likely to Continue
Amongst us.
L. H. J.
p. 5