504 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.
U. H. J.
P 30
3. An Act reviving and Continuing an Act intituled An
Act for Regulating Ordinaries
4. An Act Reviving and Continuing an Act of Assembly
intituled an Act for relieving the Inhabitants of this Prov-
ince from some Aggrievances in the prosecution of Suits at
5 The Act for repealing the several Acts of Assembly now
in force in this Province that give Allowance for killing
Wolves, Crows and Squirrels so far as they relate to the
Killing Crows and Squirrels only
And then his Honour was pleased to make the following
Speech Viz.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
I return you my hearty Thanks for the Unanimity you have
shown in the Dispatch of those Affairs I laid before you at
the Opening of this Session.
I have a matter to Recomend to you which may be of Great
Service to the Province; It is a Trade with the Indians, To
Accomplish which his Lordship in his Instructions, Com-
manded me to use my Endeavours for Entring into a Treaty
with the Northern Indians, & to make them a handsome
present at his Lordships own Expence; In the making of
which Treaty I was happily prevented by those Indians Com-
ing Down to me and suing for such Terms and Stipulations
of Peace, as will not only secure our frontier Inhabitants,
but Promote the Trade for the Advantage of the People so
p. 31
that a lasting friendship is concluded with them for our In-
habitants, and we have a very fair prospect for a Commerce
There is one obstacle on our side which at Present lays
us under a great Disadvantage in that Trade; I mean the
Duty on Furrs; which is recommended by his Lordship to
you as being of Little advantage to the Free Schools, as his
Lordship is inform'd and it Remains with you Gent: to Con-
sider whether the taking off that Duty, and laying an Equiva-
lent Duty on something else, would not be of greater ad-
vantage to the province in General than as it now stands; I
am very well convinced our neighbours have reap'd great
Advantages, by their Trade with the Indians; and it is pity
we should suffer other People to Profit by those Indians,
whom (according to an Observation lately taken by his Lord-
ship's Order, to Assert his Boundaries) I find to be in the
Limits of Maryland.
Cha: Calvert