or discontinue his Suit, shall be amerced Ffty Pounds of
Tobacco, and every Defendant in the same Court, not being
an Executor, Administrator, or Minor, that shall be cast, if
he imparles, shall be amerced Fifty Pounds of Tobacco; to
be applied as the Governor and Council shall direct; and that
every Plaintiff in the County Court, (not being an Executor,
Administrator, or Minor,) that shall be cast in any Cause,
or shall discontinue the same, shall be amerced Thirty Pounds
of Tobacco; and that every Defendant, not being an Executor,
Administrator, or Minor, that shall be cast, if he imparles,
shall be amerced Thirty Pounds of Tobacco; to be applied
to the defraying the County Charge; all which Amerce-
ments to be levied by the Sheriffs, by way of Execution, in the
same Manner as the Public and County Levies are.
II. Provided, That no Defendant shall be liable to any
Amercement against whom Judgment shall be rendered the
first Court.
III. And be it further Enacted, That one Clause of an Act,
entitled, An Act for the better Administration of Justice in the
High Court of Appeals, Chancery Provincial and County
Courts of this Province; for the more speedy Recovery of
Debts, easy obtaining of Executions against Persons absent-
ing from the Counties where the Judgments were recovered
against them; for preventing Commissioners, Sheriffs, Sub-
Sheriffs, and Deputy-Clerks, to plead as Attorneys in the
respective Courts to which they belong; and for Amercements
in the Provincial and County Courts, that relates to Amerce-
ments, and the Application of them, shall be, and is hereby
IV. And be it likewise Enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful to and for. the several and respective Justices of the
County Courts within this Province, at their Discretion, where
it shall appear to them that any Plaintiff or Defendant in any
Action hereafter to be brought in any of the said Courts, shall
suffer by the Negligence or Omission of the Attorney or At-
torneys, to immediately adjudge such Attorney or Attorneys
to pay the lawful Costs accruing from such Plaintiff or De-
fendant through such Negligence or Omission, not exceeding
Four Hundred Pounds of Tobacco; but if the Cost shall
surmount that Sum, then in every such Case, the Plaintiff or
Defendant shall be left to their Remedy at Common Law.
And that every Attorney practising in any County Court
whereof he is not an Inhabitant, shall be under the same
Circumstances as to any Recovery to be had against him, as
though he was actually an Inhabitant of that County.