For Baltimore County For Prince Geo: County
Mr Thomas Tolley Mr Robert Tyler
Mr Wm Hamilton James Stoddert Esqr
Mr John Taylor Mr Ralph Crabb
Mr Thomas Gant
For Somerset County For Queen Anns Coty
Mr Thomas Purnell Mr Edward Wright
Mr Nathl Hopkins Mr Solomon Wright
Mr Robert King Mr John Chairs
For Dorchester Coty Mr William Elliot
Mr John Hudson Secundus
Capt. Henry Hooper
Mr Matthew Traverse
Mr Edward Pritchet
Afterwards by Virtue of his Lordships Writt of Proroga-
tion bearing Date the same Ninth Day of October Instant,
the Generall Assembly of this Province was further Pro-
rogued till the Tenth Day of October Instant.
Wednesday Morning October the 10th 1722
According to his Lordshipps Writ of Prorogation the Sev-
erall Members met as on Yesterday.
Notice being sent to the Upper House to Acquaint his
Honor the Governour that a Sufficient Number of Members
are met to make An House, Coll Wm Holland & Coll Samll
Young from the Upper House wth Mr Samuel Skippon Clerk
of the said House, enter the House by Virtue of a Dedimus
to them Directed and Administer to the Severall Members