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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 394   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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394 Assembly Proceedings, October 9-November 3, 1722.

U. H. J.

Then the Message relating to the Gate-Keeper was read
and the following answer prepared thereto Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly Nov. the 3d 1722

Gentlemen. Upon reading your Message relating to
Richard Young Gate-Keeper we recommend to your Consider-
ation his Lameness and weakness this Sessions and we desire
that you would remit his Offence this Time, and make a fur-
ther Tryal of him he conforming himself to the Rules of Your
House and giving security for the Due execution of his Office,
in Attending the Gate and using the Utmost Endeavours to
secure the Horses belonging to the Burghesses and others.
Signed p order Saml Skippon Cl Up ho.

An Engrossed Bill from the Lower House by Mr King and
Mr Oldham to enable Thomas Dent of Charles County and
Anne his Wife to sell part of a Tract of Land lying in Prince
George's County call'd Locust Thicket, entailed on the said
Dent's Wife and her Heirs &ca & for entailing other Lands
in Charles County in Lieu thereof, thus Endorsed Viz

Eodem Die
Read again and past for Engrossing

Which Bill being read is assented to by this House and Sub-
scribed thus (Viz)

Novemr 3d 1722
Read and Assented to by the Upper House of Assembly and
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up Ho.

The Message relating to Richard Young, with the five
Original Bills is sent to the Lower House by Esqr Bowles who
returns and says he deliver'd them.
Then the House went upon the Consideration of the Re-
solves made by the Lower House and communicated to this
by The Message of October the 31st by Col Mackal and five
others and after reading came to the following Resolution

Resolved to defer the Consideration of the Resolves Sent
up from the Lower House by Col Mackall and five others
till next Sessions, that Mr Attorny General be consulted
thereon and give his opinion thereon to the House.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 394   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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