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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 390   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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390 Assembly Proceedings, October 9-November 3, 1722.

U H.J.

Which Bill being so endorsed is sent to the Lower House
by Col Ward who Returns and says he delivered it.
A message from the Lower House bv Mr Young and Mr
Oldham (Viz)

By the Lower House of Assembly Novr 3d 1722

May it please your Honrs
This House having further Considered your message of
the 22d of October by Col Addison as to the tumultuous meet-
ings of negroes are desirous that the same should be referr'd
till next Sessions.
Signed p order M: Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

A Message from the Lower House by Mr Dulany and three

By the Lower House of Assembly Novr 3d 1722
May It please your Honrs
This House having considered your message of the second
Instant by Col Holland, is of opinion that the bringing in a
Bill for the Distribution of the money in the Treasurer's
Hands into so many Parts as it should be, is impracticable ;
without continuing the Session till the next week, because
there will be a necessity in such a Bill of Appointing Persons
to receive and apply the money, And as to any Danger the
Treasurer of the Western Shore may Apprehend of being
robb'd there are some Gentlemen will take some of the money
and give undoubted Security to pay it, when it shall be de-
manded, which will be an Ease to the Treasurer in that Par-
ticular; But if he is unwilling to part with the money and
uneasy to keep it, This House thinks there is no Difficulty in
finding a Person that will undertake that Charge, and give the
necessary Security.

Signed p ordr M: Jenifer Cl: Lo: Ho.

A message by Mr Humphries and Mr Chaires from the
Lower House (viz)

By the Lower House of Assembly Novr the 3rd 1722
May it please your Honours.
The publick Records being now to be repaired this House
desires your Honours Concurrence with us in an order for
the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore to send for two Dozen of
the best bound Blank Books for Record Books of good Paper
and the Binding to be as well fortified as may be for Duration

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 390   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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