Read the first and Second times by Especiall order and Will
Signed p Ordr M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.
This house takes this oppertunity of desiring Col Holland
to present to his honour the Govr their Answer to his Speech
and Likewise Desire him to acquaint his Honour that his Sick-
ness which has not sufferd him to be present att this house till
this Day, togeather with theire Unwillingness to trouble him at
his private Lodging have been the Reasons they have not
sooner presented it which Answer he accordingly presents and
Is as follows
By the Upper house of Assembly
May It please Your honour
We Return you our most hearty thanks for your Obliging
Speech delivered to both houses of Assembly and take leave
to Assure you that we have not the Least Doubt but that your
future actions will Demonstrate how much you Desire the
peace and prosperity of Maryland, and that your Conduct will
be such as will answer the Good Ends for which Our Lord
Proprietary hath Been favourably pleased to place you In this
Your Resolution of Steadily Adhering to our happy Estab-
lishment In the Illustrious line of our Dread Sovn King George;