An Engrost Explanatory Bill to the Act for preventing the
Making Trashy Tobo &c was read and assented to and being
so endorst was sent to the Uppr House by Mr Tyler and Col :
They return and say they deliver'd it.
Ordered that Col: Mackall and Mr Stoddert go to the Uppr
House and Acquaint his Honor the Governor That nothing
of publick business remains before this house Unfinished.
They return and say they delivered their Message.
Coll: Holland from the Uppr House Acquaints Mr Speaker
That his Honor the Governor requires him and the whole
House to attend him imediately in the Uppr house and with-
Mr Speaker with the whole house go to the Upper house
where his Honor the Governor was pleased on behalf of the
Right Honble the Lord Propry to enact the Severall Engrost
Bills following into Laws they being Severally thus Endorst
Read and Assented to by the upper House of Assembly and
Signed p Ordr Sam. Skippon Cl. Up Ho.
Ist An Engros'd Bill for the Naturalizacon of Albert Green-
ing & John Oeth of Annarundel County
2nd An Engross'd Bill investing an estate of Inheritance
in ffee Simple of Twelve hundred Acres part of a Tract of
Land call'd New Munster Lying on Elk River in Cecil County
in Richard Thatcher of Cecil County To him and his heirs
and Assigns forever and Three hundred Acres more part
of the sd Tract of Land Call'd New Munster in Peter Massey
and Sarah his wife To them and their heirs for ever.
No 3. An Engross'd Bill for the Relief of Robt Tivis
Andrew Castlo and Gilbert Powlson Languishing Prisoners
in Annarundel County George Sexton a Languishing pris-
onr in Queen Ann's County and John Robinson a Languishing
prisoner in Talbot County.
No 4 An Engross'd explanatory Bill of some doubtful ex-
pressions and repealing some clauses in and of an Act of
Assembly Entituled An Act for preventing the Making
Trashy Tobo and for the bettering the Staple of This province
and for Supplying some defects therein.
All wch Bills aforemenconed his Honr the Governr was