John Hall Esqr and two Others from the upper House De-
livers Mr Speaker the Explanatory Bill to the Tobacco Act.
With the following Message which was read and ordered to
be Entered as follows Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly ffebruary the 26th 1721.
We are sorry to find you so positively Resolved not to make
any Provision by Oaths to restrain the Exportation of trashey
Tobaco out of this Province; for we do not think any other
Expedient can be found that will prove so effectuall for doing
of it; nor can we foresee any dangers of perjury in takeing
Oaths so Easy to be complyed with, as those proposed in our
Amendment to the Tobaco Law, But rather than so benefi-
ciall a Law should be intirely Lost or Continued in Such a
manner as that many Conscientious persons cannot comply
with it, we are Willing that the Explanatory Bill proposed by
your House should pass With a paragraph Added thereunto
makeing the penalties Mentioned in the former Law to be
recovered before any two Justices of the peace, who shall be
obliged within three days after Application to them made to
go and View such Tobaco and that Every person who shall
discover any such trashy Tobacco may seize and Mark it and
shall Exhibit his Information to the Justices within three days
after Seizing the same and that if the Owner of such Tobaco
shall Convey away or Otherwise Conceall such Tobaco before
the Justices Come to View it he shall be adjudged guilty and
forfeit the penalties of the Law That the Tobaco so seized if
condemned by the Justices (Who are hereby Directed to view
the same) shall be applyed to the Use of the Informer and the
party offering to pay or paying away such Tobaco shall pay
his Debt (attempted to be discharged after that manner) over
Signed p Order. Sam. Skippon Cl Up. Ho.
Which was Read and referred for further Consideration
till to Morrow Morning.
The House Adjourns untill to Morrow Morning Nine of
the Clock
Tuesday ffebry the 27th
The House meets According to Adjournment. Yesterdays
proceedings are read.
On reading the last Message of Yesterday on the Tobacco