Read & Assented to by the Upper house of Assembly and
Signed p Ordr Joh Beale Cl Up ho.
Esqr Hall sent to the Lowr House wth the paper bills and to
Acquaint them that the Aforesaid three Engrost bills are
Assented to by this house who returns and Says he Delivered
the paper bills and Acquainted them accordingly
Joshua George is Admitted by this house to be Clerk Assis-
tant to the Cl thereof and thereupon the sd Joshua takes an
Oath to keep the secrets of this house
The Supplementary bill to the act to Limitt the Continu-
ance of Actions in Severall Courts within this Province and
Ascertaining the manner of taking the Evidence of Sea faring
men and for granting Appeals from the Chancery Court to
the Govr and Councill
Being read is thus Endorst Viz.
By the Upper house of Assembly October 22d 1720
This bill being read does not answer its End, For the first
Act being that they shall Continue no Longer than a time
Expressed which is Shorter; And this Bill being that they