They return and say they see them qualifyed. Thereupon
they took their Places.
Resolved that all former Referrences from last Sessions
to this be further referred till the next and that this House
will not proceed on any other new Business than what is or
shall be recommended to them by his Honour the Governour
and Ordered the following Message be prepared viz :
By the Lower House of Assembly ffebruary the 21st 1721.
May it please your Honrs
This House takeing into Consideration the Inconveniences
that must Inevitably attend the Long continuance of An
Assembly at this unseasonable time of the year are willing that
our former referrences from last Sessions to this be further
referr'd till next and also that no other new business may be
proceeded in more than what is or shall be recomended by
his Honour the Governour, and therefore Comunicate these
our Resolutions to your Honours to Know your Sentiments
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Clk. Lo. Ho.
Which was sent to the Upper House by Mr Caldwell & Mr
They return and say they delivered it.
Coll Young from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker the
following Message Viz :
By the Upper House of Assembly ffebruary the 20th 1721.
We approve of your proposalls as to your Times of Sitting.
Signed p Order. Samll Skippon Cl: Up: Ho.
The Question was put whether the Tobacco Law shall be
amended or not.
Carryed in the Affirmative by the Majority of Votes.
Coll: Tilghman from the Upper house Delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz :
By the Upper House of Assembly February the 21st 1721.
This House Agrees with you in your Resolves sent by Mr
Jno Caldwell and Mr Alexander Contee.
Signed p Order. Saml Skippon Cl. Up. Ho.