Relief of sundry Languishing Prisoners; Who returns and
Says he did it
A Message from the Lower House by Col Mackal & Mr
Stoddert Acquainting his Honour the Governour that their
House has no Business lying before them, but wait his
Honour's further Commands
Whereupon Col Holland is sent to the Lower House to
acquaint them, that his Honour requires Mr Speaker and the
whole House to attend him immediately in the Council
Accordingly Mr Speaker and the whole House attend his
Honour and saw the following Acts seal'd with his Lordship's
greater Seal of this Province and Assented to by his Honour
the Governour, on the Behalf of the Rt Honrble the Lord Pro-
prietary of this Province Viz.
No 1. An Act for the naturalization of Albert Greening
and John Oeth of Ann Arundel County
2. An Act for investing an Estate of Inheritance in Fee
simple of twelve hundred Acres part of a Tract of Land
called New Munster Lying on Elk River in Cecil County in
Richard Thatcher of Cecil County to him and his Heirs and
Assigns for Ever and three hundred Acres more Part of the
said Tract of Land called New Munster in Peter Massey
and Sarah his Wife to them and their Heirs forever.
3. An Act for the Relief of Robt Tivis, Andrew Castlo and
Gilbert Poulson languishing Prisoners in Ann Arundel Coty
George Sexton a languishing Prisoner in Queen Ann's
County and John Robinson a languishing Prisoner in Talbot
4. An Explanatory Act of some doubtful Expressions and
repealing some Clauses in and of an Act of Assembly intituled
an Act for preventing the making trashy Tobacco & for the
bettering the Staple of this Province and for supplying some
Defects therein