The Upper House. 293
Tobacco Law, we think fit to propose to you the passing the
Bill prepar'd by your House so far as it is Explanatory of
that Law, only excluding the Repealing Paragraph; For
though we are willing to explain and Amend, we can by nc
means consent to repeal that Part of it unless some other
Provision be made instead thereof But since we cannot agree
upon any such Expedient, we think it will be much more ac-
ceptable to the good People of this Province, if we only explain
the Intention of the former Law, than if we should return
again without doing any Thing to Satisfy the scrupulous Con-
sciences of those who think they cannot safely take the oaths
therein prescribed.
Signed p order Saml Skippon Cl. Up. ho.
Which Message is sent to the Lower House by Col Young
and Col Tilghman; who return and say they delivered it
Adjourned for Two Hours.
:U. H. J.
Eodem die Post Meridiem
Met according to Adjournment
His Honour the Governour
p. 21
The Honble-
Col Wm Holland
Col Saml Young
John Hall Esqr
Col Thos Addison
Col Rich Tilghman
Col M. Tilgh. Ward
James Bowles Esqr
John Rousby Esqr
Members of the Upper House.
A Message from the Lower House by Col Woolford and
three Others, which is as follows, Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly
ffebruary 26th 1721
May it please your Honours
We cant help being averse to the Amendmts propos'd by
your House in the Explanatory Bill herewith Sent; since we
are certain that the imposing any oaths at all will create great
Heart-Burnings among the People, For which reasons as well
as those mentioned in our former message on this occasion, we
must insist on the Bill as prepar'd in our House
Signed p ordr M: Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.