selves reflected on) to forgive Mr Brown; Mr Bordley said,
Nay; if they will not comply with your Request and do, as I
have done, Your Excy may grant him a Noli prosequi Where-
upon, the Governour answered, No; but that he would do his
good Offices to effect it; or Words to that purpose
Annapolis Feb. 24th 1721 Thos Humphreys
Mr Bordley (being sent for) appears; And being ask'd by
his Honour, Whether he conceived and insisted on it, that,
by Virtue of His Honour's Letter of Septemr last he was dis-
charg'd from being a member of the Council answer'd that
when he receiv'd the said Letter, he did think so, and that he
was of the same Opinion still; & then he withdrew
After Mr Bordley had withdrawn His Honour exprest him-
self as follows
Gentlemen of the Upper House.
As the Lord Proprietor has an undoubted Right, to dis-
charge as well as make a Councellor and that his appointment
of one is the only Qualification, by which he is a Member of
your House; I am of your opinion, that Mr Bordley's being
legally discharg'd from the Council, of Course discharges him
from the Upper house of Assembly And as to the Legality
for what is done, I have particular Instructions from his Lord-
ship, relating to Mr Bordley, with a full Power to dismiss
him; Which I did not do, till that Gentleman gave me such
Council that, if I had followed I firmly believe woud be of
pernicious Consequence
Cha: Calvert
A Message from the Lower House of Assembly by Col
John Ward and Mr Lambert Wilmer, which is as follows Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly
Feb 23d 1721
May it please your Honours
The Agreement intended to have been made last Sessions
with Mr John Caldwell about the Repairs to be made to the
Stadt House is not nor cannot yet be consummated by the
Gentlemen then Appointed, by reason of Mr Philemon Lloyds
Absence from Annapolis Wherefore We desire that some
other member of your House may be appointed to joyn with
Mr Tasker and Mr Garrett, that a final Agreement may be
now made
Signed p order M Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.