Assembly in the Council Chamber on Tuesday the 20th of this
Instant February Which Answer is as follows Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly
Feb 23d 1721
May it please your Honour.
With the greatest Sense of Gratitude We observe the Re-
gret you are pleased to express, at the Trouble and Charge
given to the Inhabitants of this Province, by calling an As-
sembly at this Unseasonable Time of the year; and We are so
well convinced by the many Instances Which We have here-
tofore had, of your Honours good Inclinations to promote
the Publick Interest, that We believe nothing but a pressing
necessity could have induced you to convene the present As-
sembly. And we cannot but acknowledge that the unhappy
Manner of wording the Law already made for bettering the
Quality of Tobacco within this Province has given too great
occasion to Persons who do not so much consider the Inten-
tion, as the Expression of that Law, to find fault with it; and
to many well disposed persons to object against taking the
Oaths thereby enjoin'd But as the wisest Legislators have not
always been so happy, upon the first Attempt to provide proper
Remedies against encreasing Evils; so we hope, we may be
excused, if, after having Acknowledged the Imperfections we
assiduously apply ourselves to an Amendment of them.
We cannot Sufficiently express our earnest Desires to make
Suitable Returns to the Best of Kings, for his Princely
Benevolence towards and his paternal Care over us upon all
occasions; And particularly in the late Instance your Honour
has been pleased to communicate to us, of his most gracious
Speech to the Brittish Parliament, in favour of our declining
Trade. And we think ourselves obliged in Gratitude to exert
our Utmost Endeavours to comply with our most gracious
Sovereigns Royal Inclinations, and your Honours favourable
Recommendation, by taking equitable and Proper Measures
to encourage the making of Hemp in this Province
It is with much Sorrow and Concern we find by your
Honour's Intimation that false Reports have been spread by
some ill-disposed Persons, with Design to create misunder-
standings between your Honour and the good People of this
Province. With just Resentment We Condemn such their
pernicious Practice; And doubt not your future Administra-
tion of this Government will Sufficiently evince the falsity of