Mr Benja Tasker and Mr Richard Warfield from the Lower
House bring a Bill for the naturalization of Albert Greening
and John Oeth of Ann Arundel County which Bill is thus En-
dorsed Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly
Feb 22d 1721
Read the first and Second Time by especial Order and will
Signed p order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.
Whereupon the said Bill is read the first and Second Times
and will pass, and order'd to be thus endorsed Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly
Feb the 22d 1721
Read the first and Second Times by especial order and will
Signed p order Saml Skippon Cl Up: ho.
Which Bill thus endorsed is sent by John Hall Esqr to the
Lower House Who returns and Says he has delivered the
Mr William Turbut and Mr Dashiels from the Lower House
bring the aforesaid Bill thus endorsed.
Eodem Die Read again and past for engrossing
Signed p Order M Jenifer Cl. Lo. ho.