cation and Exemption to the Owner of such Negroes, from
paying the Impositions on Negroes aforementioned: And such
Owner is hereby obliged to pay the Naval Officer for every
such Entry, Bond and Certificate, the usual Fees allowed them
by Act of Assembly.
III. And forasmuch as it may so happen, that upon the
Death of the Owners of Negroes entered and exempted from
paying the Duties as aforesaid, such Negroes may fall into
the Hands of the Executors or Administrators, within the
Time above limited, who may be under a Necessity of selling
and disposing of such Negroes, that then, in every such Case,
such Executor or Administrator, first paying to the Naval
Officer of the said Port the Imposition Money of Twenty
Shillings Sterling, and Twenty Shillings Currency, laid on
Negroes by the aforementioned Acts, and taking a Permit
from such Naval Officer, may, within the Time by this Act
limited, sell and dispose of such Negroes; any thing in this Act
to the contrary notwithstanding.
IV. And for removing any Doubts or Disputes that may
hereafter arise concerning the Persons who shall be taken
for, and deemed Inhabitants of this Province, so as to reap the
Benefit and Advantage of the several Laws as Inhabitants;
It is hereby Declared, That no other Person is hereby intended,
but such as have actually lived and inhabited within this Prov-
ince for the full Term of Three Years; and that they only
shall reap the Benefits and Advantages as aforesaid, in their
own Right, and not otherwise. The Privileges allowed by this
Act always excepted.
Chap. XIV
An Act to limit the Continuance of Actions in several
Courts within this Province; and ascertaining the Manner
of taking the Evidence of Seafaring Men; and for granting
Appeals from the Chancery Court to the Governor and
Whereas it is represented as an Aggrievance, the dilatory
Proceedings and Continuances of Actions, in Several of the
Courts of this Province; For Remedy whereof for the future ;
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That all Actions now depending in
any of the Courts of Law within this Province, as well as all
other Actions to be commenced, may be continued to the End
of the Fourth Court after the Appearance Court in any of the
Courts aforesaid, and no longer, (except in Causes where
Evidences are wanted from beyond Sea which is left to the