At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of An-
napolis, in the County of Ann-Arundel, the 18th Day of July,
in the 7th Year of the Dominion of the Right Honourable
Charles, absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltimore, &c. Annoq:
Domini 1721, were Enacted the Laws following.
Charles Calvert Esq: Governor.
A Supplementary Act to the Act for Stay of Executions after
the Tenth Day of May, yearly.
Whereas at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
City of Annapolis, the Twenty-sixth Day of April, Anno
Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifteen, it was
thought necessary for the Good and Quiet of the Inhabitants
of this Province, to enact a Law, entitled, An Act for the
Stay of Execution after the Tenth Day of May yearly: But
forasmuch as by the aforementioned Law there is no Pro-
vision made for the Stay of any Execution issuing out of the
High Court of Appeals, the High Court of Chancery, the Com-
missary's Court, nor of small Debts recovered before any one
of the Justices of the County Courts; and this present General
Assembly having taken the same into their serious Considera-
tion, think it but just and reasonable, that all Executions issu-
ing out of the Courts aforesaid, or Judgments in small
Debts recovered before a Justice of the Peace, should be under
the same Restrictions and Limitations, as to the Stay of Exe-
cution yearly, as those issuing out of the Provincial and
County Courts: It is therefore prayed that it may be Enacted,
II. And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lord-
ship's Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assem-
bly, and the Authority of the Same, That from and after the
End of this present Session of Assembly, and after the Tenth
Day of May in any Year, that in all Judgments or Decrees
whatsoever, obtained in the High Court of Appeals, the High
Court of Chancery, the Commissary's Court, or of small Debts
1 Being the public general laws remaining in force at the date of the publica-
tion of Bacon's Laws of Maryland at Large (1765). The original record of the
session laws is lost.
Chap. IV