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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 259

the Bill for ascertaining the Indians Lands thus Endorst

By the Upper House of Assembly

Augt the 5th 1721,

This Bill will Pass with the following Amendment Viz.
(and that such Commissioners as shall be so Appointed
shall be Enabled to doe all things Necessary for the doing
those Indians Justice against the Trespasser, and shall have
full Power to Command Obedience from all Sherifs and other
persons Whatsoever, that May be necessary for the Deter-
mining the said Difference; and all Officers and Other persons
therewith Concerned shall have the same Allowance Fees &
Perquisites that are allowed them by Law for other such like
Services and that the Commission so Granted Shall Continue
in force for three Years and no longer but the Proceedings
& Determinations thereon remain Perpetual) to be Added
after the Word Determination in the Last Line Save one; and
that the Clause for its Continuance be Struck out.
Signed p Order Jno Beale Cl Up: Ho :

Whereupon the Bill was Amended accordingly, Read wth
the Amendments & Past for Engrossing which was so En-
dorst and sent to the Committee of Laws to be Engrost
Coll. Tilghman from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz.

By the [Upper] House of Assembly
August the 5th 1721.

L. H. J.

Towena the Senequa and George King of the Tuskaroras
came after some Time to the Governour and Council and
Seem'd well disposed to Peace and to make Satisfaction for
the Horse they had Shot and some Other small Matters they
had taken from the Englishmen they Surprized: but it was
thought much more proper (after they had Shewed their Will-
ingness) to take the Burthen thereof from them upon the
Publick, which was thought much more Generous and be a
good way to Avoid the Squabble that might happen on their
Over rating their Commodities, and Under valuing the Poor
man's Horse which was then Accordingly promised and they
Very thankfully Accepted. Wherefore we propose your
Agreeing to An Order for the Making Satisfaction out of the
Publick at the Laying the Levy.
Signed p Order. John Beale Cl Up. Ho

p. 81

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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