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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 255   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 255

Coll. Tilghman from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
August the 5th 1721.
Gent. We think you treat Coll: Blackiston's Conduct in
Such a Manner as will give him too great a Provocation to
turn his Affection for our Country into Resentment. But

L. H. J.

however since you have proceeded in this Manner and Denyed
us the Liberty of further Pressing you on that Occasion, We
will only desire you allow him for his years Sallary, which
Ends this Month, and for such further Time as he may reason-
ably have Notice of his Discharge, in which we Suppose may
be about three Months
Signed p Order. Jno Beale Cl Up Ho

Resolved, that John Peter Zenger print the Body of Laws
this Sessions as usual and be Allowed five hundred pounds of
Tobo p Body. And that John Gould Transcribe a Body of
the said Laws from the Originals to be by him Sent to the
said printer; for which he is to be Allowed four Pounds Cur-
rent Money in the Levy Journal.
Coll: Ward from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker the
following Message Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly

August the 5th 1721.

We Observe to you that the Law for Regulating Officers
frees will Expire in May next, and forasmuch as we hope
there may not be Occasion for another Assembly before that
Time, we therefore propose to you that a short Bill be prepared
for Reviving of it.
Signed p Order Jno Beale Cl Up Ho

The following Message was prepared Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly August the 5th 1721.
May it Please your Honrs
Your Message by Esqr Hall this House hath Consider'd and
altho we are not inclined to enter into Controversys neither
are we willing to Burthen the Country with an Unnecessary
Charge (as We take this to be) the Chancellor being Obliged
to Remitt them and no Law gives him an Allowance; and its

p. 76

no Novelty for Officers to do some Services by Virtue of their

p. 77

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 255   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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