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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 252   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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252 Assembly Proceedings, July 18-August 5, 1721.

L. H. J.

the Reasons inducing you to make no Addition to the late
Regulation of Officers Fees, We should think it would have
been somewhat agreeable to a Parliamentary Course of Pro-
ceedings, and we should have taken it Kindley if you had
Acquainted us with those Reasons; that we might have had
the Opportunity of Joining with you in them if Approved,

P 72

or Shewing you our Sentiments, if otherwise; and also in
Concurring with you in such other Parts of your Address,
as should be found necessary for the Common Good; We
Esteeming Our selves as much Concerned in all Publick Acts
for the Wellfare of the Country as you are; and we are Sorry
to Observe we find it Sometimes Necessary to put you in mind
of it. We desire the Result of your Consideration on this
Signed p Order. Jno Beale Cl Up Ho.

John Hall Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the following Messages Viz :

By the Upper House of Assembly

August the 5th 1721.
The Nanticoke & the Choptank Indians have Complained
of some Incroachments being made by some of the Inhabitants
of Dorchester County within the Bounds of their Lands (as
they Conceive ) and pray Redress from the Government. Upon
Inspecting the Law which Enables the Governour to Grant
Commissions for Determining Disputes with Indians, There
seems to be some Doubt. We therefore think it Necessary
to Declare our Opinions; That it may be well Lawfull for the
Governour to Grant such Commission by Virtue of the Act
now in fforce, to which we desire vour Concurrence.
Signd p Order Jno Beale Cl Up Ho

By the Upper House of Assembly
August the 5th 1721
Gentlemen. Our Clerk acquaints us that the Clerk of Your
House informs him, you refuse him Paper for the Writing

p. 73

the Proclamations, Ordered by his Honour the Governour
with the Advice of the Council; for want of which he cannot
get them Ready to send to the Several Countys from this
We therefore desire you to Order your Clerk to Lodge such
Quantity of the Publick Paper with the Clerk of this House,

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 252   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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