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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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250 Assembly Proceedings, July 18-August 5, 1721.

L. H. J.

fore propose the Continuance of a Gentleman of such Worth
in the Agency and desire your Concurrence therein.

Signed p Order. Jno Beale Cl Up Ho.

The Question was put whether this House shall Concurr
with the Upper House in Continuing An Agent or not?
Carried in the Negative by the Majority of Votes, and
Ordered that the following Message be prepared, Viz :

By the Lower House of Assembly August the 5th 1721.

May it Please yr Honrs. This House have fully weighed
the Reasons for and against the Continuing An Agent and
must frankley declare their Sentiments that instead of Receiv-
ing any Advantage thereby, this Province has been at the
fruitless Expence of near two Thousand pounds Mony paid
at Sundry Times to the said Agent besides the Charges the
Countrey has been further put to in their Debates Occasioned
by that Means; neither are we Apprised of any Proprietary
Government haveing Employed An Agent, Save this, for
which Reasons we Continue at Our first Resolve.
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo Ho.

And Sent to the Upper House by Mr Stoddart & three
Others. They Return & Say They have Delivered it.
Coll Tilghman from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly August the 5th 1721.
Gentlemen. We Agree with Your Proposals in your Mes-

P. 70

sage of this Day by Mr Benson and Mr Clayton in Relation to
the Repair of the Stadt House, and do joyn the Honble Phile-
mon Lloyd Esqr of our House with two of the Members of
Yours to Compleat the Agreement with Mr John Caldwell as
in yours Desired.
Signed p Order. Jno Beale Cl. Up. Ho

Thereupon Mr Tasker and Mr Garret are appointed to
joyn with the said Philemon Lloyd Esqr to make the Agree-
ment with the said Mr John Caldwell &c.
Resolved that the said Caldwell have the Use of the North
End of the Stadt House to put his Shingles &c in, he leaving
Room Sufficient for the Holding Courts therein
Ordered that Mr James Lloyd and Mr William Turbut see
the Indians Lands (Part of which is Claimed by Major
Nicholas Sewell in Dorchester County) Run out; and that

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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