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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 247   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 247

hath been pleased to Demonstrate the great Regard he hath
to the Request of, as well as great Consideration in the Pru-
dence of his Lower House of Assembly, by Giving you an
Opportunity at your own Choice to make the proper Additions
to his Officer's frees, rather than by Interposing his Own
Authority in the Case by Dissenting to an Act which will
necessarily Subject the Good People of this Province to the
Unlimitted Demands of his Officers, Now seeing that in [the]
whole Course of this Sessions, You have not thought fit to
take Notice of that Part of his Lordship's Speech in Relation
to the Act for Limitation of officers Fees,

We therefore Recommend it to your Serious Considera-
tions, that the making the Additions proposed According to
the former Acts may be much more for the Interest of this
Province, than by Slighting his Lordships kind Condesension
to bring on a Dissent to that Act as seems hinted to us.
Signed p Order John Beale Clk Up Ho.

Engrosed Bill for Laying the Publick Levy Read and As-
sented to and being so Endorst was Sent to the Upper House
by Mr Contee and Mr Benson.
They Return & Say They have Delivered it.
The following Message being prepared was sent to the
Upper House by Coll. Wool ford & Coll Herman Viz :

By the Lower House of Assembly

August the 4th 1721.
May it Please Yr Honrs In Answer to yor Message by Mr
Bowles relating to Officers frees, We take Leave to Acquaint
That this House in their Humble Address to his Lordship
of this Day have fully Apprised his Lordship of the Reasons

L. H. J.

inducing us to make no Addition to the late Regulation; which
We are persuaded will be Satisfactory to his Lordship of
whose Wisdom and Goodness We have had such ample Assur-
ances, as Persuade us to believe his Lordship will never be
Induced to Lay Greater Burthens on his Faithfull Tenants,
than their Circumstances will bear.
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

They Return and Say They have Delivered it.
Coll: Ward from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly August the 4th 1721.
We find by your Message of the 28th of July (Amongst

p. 66

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 247   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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