236 Assembly Proceedings, July 18-August 5, 1721.
L H J.
not within such Instruction, we Propose that whatever you
Intend for the Incourageing those Manufacturies may be
done by a Seperate Act, Agreeable to the Instruction. The
Incouragement already given We thought Sufficient Especially
Considering that we have been already Directed not to Tack
two Matters of Different natures in One Bill.
What Alterations we Recommend in the Tobacco Bill
(Many of which are in a Manner Litteral) you will perceive
by the Marks in the Bill you sent up, and by the Bill sent you
herewith, which we have Caused to be new drawn as we pro-
posed it To which we Desire your Concurrence.
Signed p Order. John Beale Clk. Up. ho
And Deliver the Bill therein Mentioned Which was Read
the first Time, And the Question being put Whether it shall
be Read again or not? Carried' in the Negative by the
Majority of Votes.
A Bill for Laying a Fine on Pedlers and Petty Chapmen
Trading into this Province was Read the first Time And the
Question was put whether it shall be Read a second time or
not? Carried in the Affirmative by the Majority of Votes.
p. 49
Whereupon the same was Read again and the Question was
put whether the same shall Pass or not? Carried in the
Affirmative by the Majority of Votes. And thereupon the
same was past and sent to the Upper House by Mr Lloyd and
Mr Lee.
They Return and say They have Delivered it.
A Bill Relieving and ffreeing the Inhabitants of this Prov-
ince and others removing their Familys from any other
Countrys or Colonies to settle in this Province &c was read
the first Time, And the Question being put whether the Bill
shall be Read a Second Time or not ? Carried in the Affirma-
tive by the Majority of Voices Thereupon the same was
Read again and Past Which being so Endorsed was Sent to
the Upper House by Mr Hill and Mr Lloyd. They Return
and say They have Delivered it.
The House adjourns till to Morrow Morning Eight a Clock.
Wednesday August the 2d 1721.
The House meets According to Adjournment
Yesterdays Proceedings are Read.
On Reading the Tobacco Bill the Question was put whether
the Former Vote shall be Resumed for the second Reading the
Bill to prevent Making Trashy Tobacco or not? Carried in