Ordered that James Stoddart Esqr and Mr Robert Tyler
goe to the Upper House and Acquaint his Honr the Governr
that a Sufficient Number of Members are met to Make an
They Return and Say They Delivered their Message. Coll
Tilghman from the Upper House Acquaints Mr Speaker that
his Honr the Governr Commands him and the whole house to
Attend him in the Council Chamber and with drew.
Thereupon Mr Speaker with the whole House went to the
Upper House, where his Honr the Governr was pleased on
behalf of his Lordship the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary
to Deliver the following Speech Viz.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly.
The due Regard you promised by your Joint Dutifull Ad-
dress to pay to Our Speech transmitted to you by Our Late
Governr was most Welcome as we thereby found your Senti-
ments greatly Agreeing with our Own to Promote the Pros-
perity of Maryland, The true Reason that induced us a Second
Time to Recommend the Same Things to your Consideration
by our present Leiut*.
In your said Address You desired Time till the next Ses-