[The following Depositions were appended to the Proceed-
ings by resolution adopted August 3d. See page 166. ]
The Deposition of Richard Powell of Queen Anns County
in the Province of Maryland Planter Aged fifty three years
or thereabouts Being a pson well known & worthy of good
Credit, did by Solemn oath which he took on the Holy Evan-
gelist of Almighty God before me the Subscriber, Solemnly
declare Testifie and depose to be true as followeth.
That is to Say
That he the Deponant very well knew Jno Toas who was a
liver in Kent County in the Province aforesaid About fourteen
Years ago, And at the same time the Deponent Lived with
the said Jno Toas, the sd Toas ingagements being such as
forced him to abscond and being willing to Save indemnifyed
one Robert Roberts who was bound for the said Toas to Isaac
Decove of West Jersie about four or five days before the
said Toas's going Away, made over Diverse goods and Chat-
ties to the said Roberts for Satisfaction for the said Debt he
was bound for, to the said Decove, And to the best of the
said Deponts memory, he the said Roberts had about four or
five head of Cattell killed at the said Toas's Plantation before
his Departure, and some of them uncutt up, at the same time,
if not all, as also the said Toas let the said Roberts have all
his other Living Cattell which he had on the same Planta-
tion being above Twenty head more, and one good Working
horse if not more of that Kind, As also diverse household
goods but the particulars or Quantity the Deponant is not
Certain. Likewise a Judgment the said Toas had against
Matt. Grieves a liver in Kent County on Delaware and a
U. H. J.
Tract of Land which the said Toas had in the said County of
Kent on Delaware the said Roberts was to have but by what
title he knows not, and all the hoggs which was on the said
Toas's Plantation, that belonged to him the said Toas, the
number the Deponent does not well remember, but the said
hoggs and all the above mentioned was paid the sd Decove
on Account of the said Debt above mentioned which he the
said Roberts was bound for, and that the Deponant well
remembers that the above mentioned Goods and Chattels land
and Judgment came to more than the said Debt which Roberts
was engaged for, to Isaac Decove on Account of the said
Toas's debt And at the said time, the said Roberts past his
p. 128