Assemblys, of both Colonies might be moved to Concurr in
the like Design And as we believe the building Such Light
house will be very beneficiall to the trade of both Colonys
have resolved that a Light house be built and maintained at
Cape Henry at the Charge of the Colony of Virginia. Pro-
vided the Province of Maryland will Contribute one hundred
and fifty Pounds Sterling towards building and Eighty
pounds Sterling p Annum, for maintaining the same for Ever :
And Humbly Desire the favour of your Honour to Communi-
cate our Resolutions on this head to the Governor of that
Province, and hope such Measures may be taken as will Induce
the Assembly of that Province, to Concurr in so Beneficiall a
Whereupon the following Message is Prepared Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly.
July the 19th 1721
Gentlemen. We are of Opinion that a Light house on Cape
Henry would be of great Advantage to the Trade of this
Bay and recommend to you the Consideration of so Use-
full a project but we observe the Sumes Proposed by the Ad-