Court Houses was read and Ordered to be thus Endorst Viz :
Oct the 26th 1720.
Read and Assented to by the Lower house and
Signed p Order Ml Jenifer Cl: Lo: Ho.
And was Sent to the Upper House by Mr Smith and Mr Wil-
more who returne & Say they have Delivered it. An Engrost
Bill to restraine the Rigour of Prosecutions on Admrcon and
Testamentary bonds was read & Ordered to be thus Endorst,
Octobr 26th 1720.
Read and Assented to by the Lowr House of Assembly And
being so Endorst was sent to the Upper House by Mr Smith
and Mr Wilmer
Who returne and say they have Delivered it.
Collo Ward from the Upper House Delivered Mr Speaker
the Bill for relief of Marine Duvall thus Endorst viz:
By the Upper house of Assembly, October the 26th 1720.
This Bill will pass with a Proviso in Favour of the Rev-
erend Mr Jacob Henderson according to his Petition herewith
Signed p Order. Jon Beale Cl: Uppr Ho :
Whereupon the Same Bill was Ordered Accordingly to be