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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 88   View pdf image (33K)
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88 Assembly Proceedings, May 28-June 8, 1717.

L. H. J.

Mr Tyler from the Committee of Conferrence delivers Mr
Speaker the following report of the Conferrees viz:

At a Conference held at the house of Mr Jno Dodd on
Thursday June the 6th 1717 in relation to an Act to be made
for regulating Ordinaries &ca The Conferrees appointed are

The Honble

Colo William Coursey
Philemon Lloyd Esqr

Colo Rd Tilghman

of the Upper house
of Assembly.


The Honble

Mr Robt Tyler
Coll John Mackall
Capt St Liegr Codd
Coll James Maxwell
Mr Joseph Hill
Capt Rd Colegate

of the Lower house
of Assembly.

The Conferrees adjourns till to morrow morning
Friday morning June the 7th 1717 the Conferrees meet
according to adjournment Present as Above.

Whereupon the said Conferrees proceed to Consider the
Subject Matter of their meeting Concerning the Act afd And
upon due Consideracon & Debate thereof the said Conferrees
agreed that instead of the words mentioned in the Preamble
of the said Law (accept of those fines &ca) these words fol-
lowing be inserted viz. (accept of our readiness in laying the
fines Proposed on the Ordinary Lycences) which we Humbly
referr to the Lower House for their Consideracon thereof
Signed p Order Jon Beale Cl: Conferrees

Which being read the house Concurr therewth and ordered
the preamble of the Bill be altered according to that Report
which was amended accordingly.

On a mocon made by the Comittee of Accounts tht whereas
on Inspecting the act ascertaining Councillors and Delegates
allowance they Don't find therein any allowance made to the
Members of the Councill out of Assembly Time. They pray
the Direction of the House therein, which is refcrr'd to the
Consideracon of next Sessions.

The following Message Sent to the upper House by Colo
Mackall Mr Lloyd Colo Herrman and Mr Young Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly June the 7th 1717.

May it Please your Honrs. On reading the Report of the
Conferrees on the Bill for regulating Ordinaries this House


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 88   View pdf image (33K)
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