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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 79   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 79

papists which was read in the house and ordered a Second
reading and was so Endorsed
Coll Mackall from the Committee of Laws delivers Mr
Speaker a Bill for building a Court House for Cecill County
which was read the first Time and ordered a Second Reading,
and was So endorsed.
Another for the Punishment of those who shall Counterfeit
the Lord Proprys Scales &ca which was read the first time and
ordered a Second Reading which was so endorsed
Majr Harris from the Comittee of Laws delivers Mr
Speaker a Bill for the regulating Ordinaries which was read
the first Time and Ordered a Second reading which was so
Esqr Lloyd from the upper house delivers Mr Speaker the
following Message Viz:

By the Upper House of Assembly
June the 5th 1717

His Excy having Comunicated to this House a method
Proposed by the Lord Prory for that part of the Law tht
relates to his revenue and Imposition on Tobacco in the Lieu
of his Alienacon Fines and Quit Rents We have Considered
the same and is approved of by this House as Concise and
Comprehensive of which We desire your Consideration
Signed p Order Jno Beard Cl: up: Ho:

The house adjourns till to morrow morning Eight a Clock.

Thursday morning June the 6th 1717.

The house meet according to Adjournment, Who being
called over appear as Yesterday.
Yesterday's Proceedings are read.
Colo Hoskins appears again. Maj Bradford appears in the
House and his Excuse is admitted for his Absence from
Esqr Hall from the upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
George Walls a languishing prisoner of Charles County, His
Petition thus endorst Viz.

By the upper House of Assembly June the 6th 1717.
The within Petition is referred to the lower House of As-
Signed p Ordr John Beard Cl: Up Ho.

L. H. J.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 79   View pdf image (33K)
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