George I, King.
Addresses by the Assembly, 45, 103,
358, 449 ; Lower House refuses to join
in address proposed by Gov. Hart,
557, 640
Great Seal, Privy Seal, etc.
Penalty for counterfeiting, 25, 35.
Guilford, Lord (see also Baltimore and
Guilford, Lords).
Letter to Thomas MacNemara, 130 ;
letter to Gov. Hart, 327; recommends
Mr. Humphry be qualified for office,
411; refused by Lower House, 412.
Hart, John, Governor.
Address to the Assembly (1717), 4,
56; purchase of arms, 14; address to
the Lower House, 15, 65 ; address to
the Assembly (1718), 119, 202; answer
to Thomas MacNemara, 129; address
by Upper House, 131 ; address by
Lower House, 135, 214; speech to con-
vention of the clergy, 146 ; voted £200
sterling reimbursement for extraor-
dinary expenses, 192, 274 ; address by
the Assembly, 282 ; speech to the As-
sembly, 284 ; address to the Assembly
(1719), 298, 367; address of Upper
House, 308 ; address of Lower House,
313, 381; voted gratuity of £200 cur-
rency, 359, 360, 454, 455; address to
the Assembly (1720), 478, 566; letter
to Lower House, 490, 582 ; resigns the
seals as Chancellor, 492, 584 ; address
of Lower House, 494, 579 ; reply there-
to, 497, 586 ; address of Upper House,
497 ; reply thereto, 500 ; rebukes Lower
House for referring to adjournment,
513 ; messages on the subject, 528, 551,
555, 601, 614, 634, 637; demands
residue of 12d. duty on tobacco, 515;
message to Lower House as to his sup-
port during absence, 520 ; asks it be
advanced in cash, 526, 613 ; Lower
House refuses, 531 ; resolution of Up-
per House, 542 ; messages and letters
on the subject, 539, 541, 550, 553, 608,
616, 626, 627, 631, 635, 637; proposes
an address to the King, 557, 640 ;
Lower House refuses, 557, 640 ; in-
structions from Lords Baltimore and
Guilford for return to England, 603.
Complaint of those at Copanquo,
Somerset Co., 22, 73 ; petition of Mo-
nason, King of Asotague, 157, 232 ; re-
jected, 233 ; petition of Panquash and
Annatoquin (Nanticokes), 311; peti-
tion of Tom Bishop (Choptank), 312;
commissioners appointed to redress
grievances, 312; conclusion of peace
with the Tuscaroras, 323, 400 ; demand
on Tuscaroras for return of runaway
servant, 489.
Irish Servants, being Papists, and Ne-
Duty on, applied to Free Schools, 18,
39 ; text of Act, 109.
Iron Manufacture.
Act for encouragement of, 390, 391,
457, 467.
Land Office.
Its administration inquired into, 506,
514, 523, 579, 592, 602, 609.
Laws in Force.
Act declaratory thereof, 369, 408,
MacNemara, Thomas.
Three indictments against, 125; be-
havior in Chancery Court and suspen-
sion from practice, 127; appeal to the
Proprietary, 128 ; reply of Gov. Hart,
129; letter from Lord Guilford, 130;
suspension approved by Lords Balti-
more and Guilford, 134; certificates of
misbehavior and disbarment in Penn-
sylvania, 142 ; examination before the
Council, 168, 258 ; submission to court
ordered by Lords Baltimore and Guil-
ford, 170; statement of Justices of the
Provincial Court, 171 ; charged with
extortion as Naval Officer, 180, 236 ;
report of Upper House, 181 ; clause
disabling him from practice tacked to
Bill for Support of Magistrates, 190,
284 ; arraigned in Lower House for
contempt ; his apology, 209 ; opinions of
English lawyers on disabling clause,
305, 375 ; disallowed by the Proprie-
tary, 302, 372; separate bill disabling
him from practice (1719), 325, 336,
361, 402, 417; signed, 457; report of
Committee on Laws on opinions of
English lawyers, 426; Proprietary
orders restoration to practice, 491 ;
death, 482, 493.