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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 640   View pdf image (33K)
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640 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

L. H. J.

In answer whereto the following Message was prepared,

By the Lower house of Assembly

April the 22d 1720.
May it please your Honours
We are not a little Surprized at his Excellency's Proposall
and your Honours Concurrence in Proposing to this house
an Address to his Sacred Majesty at a juncture of time when
we might Reasonably have Expected to have returned to our
familys in order to Consult their Wellfare haveing been Long

Detained here, without being Able to do any great Service to

our Country and many of our members sick and absent, and
as we Enjoy what we may or Can reasonably Desire and
haveing frequently set forth our great Satisfaction under
the protection of the best of Kings and haveing nothing to
ask of his Majesty as we can perceive at this time we desire
to be excused.
Signed p order M: Jenifer Cll: Lo: Ho.

And sent to the Upper House by Mr Lee and five others.
They return and say they Delivered it.

p. 85

The following Address being prepared was ordered to be
Entred as follows Viz.

To the Right Honourable Charles Absolute Lord and Pro-
prietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord
Baron of Baltemore &c and to The Right Honourable Francis
Lord Guilford.

The Humble Address of your Lordships upper and Lower
Houses of Assembly of Maryland.

May it please your Lordships.
We take ourselves to lye under the Deepest Sense of Grati-
tude for your Lordships most Acceptable Speech Transmitted
to us, this Sessions, which we shall duly Regard.
Your Lordships reasons for regulation of the Act Entituled
an Act Ascertaining the Bounds of Lands are too agreeable to
the Experience we have had of that Law to fail of a perfect
Conviction of the Necessity of it, But the Law is of so great
Importance that it requires the most mature Deliberation to
Concert the proper Alterations and therefore we begg leave
to Deferr such Amendments till the next Sessions, when we
doubt not all due regard will be paid to your Lordships favour-
able Intimations.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 640   View pdf image (33K)
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