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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 632   View pdf image (33K)
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632 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

L. H. J.

our was, that it is the Sense of your House, it is due to the
person presiding in the absence of the Governour and accord-
ingly have passed a Vote on it,
I must Observe to you that the house have not duly Con-
sidered that Law, and Also that this Law was Enacted when
this Government was Immediately under the Crown and Still
lyes before it for its Assent or dissent
Again I cannot take those to be friends either to the Lord
Proprietarie or their Country who would leave his Lord-
ships Inclination alone (tho Signified in an Instruction) to
have the Sanction of a Law.
In a word I Insist upon it, the three pence p Ton is due to
me as Governour untill my Commission is Legally Super-
ceeded and resolve to take all proper Methods to Maintain it.
April 21st 1720 Jo Hart

Col Mackall and the other Gent Appointed bring in the
Report from the Gent appointed by both houses to make a
further representation of the aggrievances against Maurice
Birchfield Esqr, which was read and ordered to be Entred as
follows viz:

By the Committee appointed to Address his Excellency
April the 21st 1720.

It seems necessary to this Committee that in furtherance of
the Subject matter of their Said address, a Letter be writ by
Mr Speaker to the Agent to desire him to Communicate to his
Excellency such papers as he hath had transmitted to him in
relation to that Matter and to desire him to Assist his Excel-
lency therein, which is humbly Submitted to the house
Signed p order Phil Hammond Cll. Com.

To His Excellency John Hart Esqr Governour of Maryland.

The Humble Address of the Upper and Lower Houses of

May it Please your Excellency.

p. 77

The great Regard your Excellency has Exprest for the well-
fare of our Country in the Communicateing to us the Copy
of the Letter from the Honble the Commissioners of Trade
to the Right Honourable the Lord Guilford, as well as by the
whole Course of your Administration emboldens us to make
this our humble address to your Excy for your Assistance in
the Subject Matter therein treated of by which it appears
plainly to us, that tho we have had the most necessitous Cause

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 632   View pdf image (33K)
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